Fourth of July 2024 Dedicated to Andover Lions Club

By Jane Slayton

The Andover Lions Club has served our town since 1954. Their presence always loomed large on the Fourth of July throughout the years. The Lions grilled and served at the pancake breakfast, sold food on the Green, and always had the Concord Coach
spiffed up and ready to parade. 

We could always count on the Lions to make Independence Day special for our community.
The Andover Lions are well known for their Fourth of July involvement but they did much more than that for Andover, Danbury, Salisbury, and Wilmot. Club members visited Andover Elementary/Middle School and Danbury Elementary annually to conduct health, vision, and hearing screenings, to administer the Peace Poster Contest, and to coordinate Patriotic Essay contests. 

The Lions coordinated a middle school basketball tournament every winter at Proctor Academy for local schools. The Andover Lions were generous with college scholarships and presented them at area high schools. They started the 6th Grade Citizenship Award at Andover Elementary/Middle School, which was earned by many community members. 

They also sponsored children to attend Camp Pride, Camp Allen, and Camp Mayhew. They
assisted individuals with the cost of eye exams and obtaining eyeglasses.They generously provided gift certificates during the holidays for families in need. 

The Lions were always open to supporting local projects in area schools. They recognized community service locally with their Granite State Fellow Award, presented annually to worthy individuals. The Andover Lions were a favorite food vendor at the Danbury Grange Fair, Musterfield Farm Days, and on the Andover Town Green.

The Lions helped to provide the Danbury and Andover Fire departments with various pieces of equipment over the years. The Andover One Wheelers, Andover Softball, and Andover Little League benefitted from the generosity of the Andover Lions.

It is for all these reasons and many more that the Andover 2024 Independence Day is dedicated to our beloved Andover Lions Club. The Fourth of July Committee and the Town of Andover are very appreciative of the years of service from the Andover Lions
Club. Their years of dedication and commitment to Andover exemplify community spirit!

But the old saying is that all good things must come to an end and, sadly, they did. The Andover Lions Club ended their long run of community service in 2023. They are already missed, but we are grateful for all they did.